Transaction History & Deposit Status

2 min. readlast update: 06.06.2024

You can view the history of your transactions from the Dashboard. 

You are able to:  

  • View deposits for previous recipients  
  • View Transaction History 
  • View the status of a transaction 
  • Send Money to a previous Recipient

Deposit Process Timeframes: 

  • County Jail: Funds typically apply within minutes.  
  • Prison: Funds typically post to a prison account within 48 hours. 
  • For Customers: Transactions can take up to 3 to 4 business days before a change is finalized on an account. 

To check Deposit and Transaction History: 

  • Select DASHBOARD from the menu options.  

  • The Dashboard page displays, showing the list of previous recipient names.  

    • For facilties that offer the capability to send and receive messages and photos, the SECUREMAIL button will become available for recipients who have previously communicated via the Secure Mail service.   

  • Click VIEW HISTORY to review a summary of recent transactions.  
  • The Transaction History screen provides the following information: 
    • Recipient ID 
    • Receipt #
    • Transaction Amount 
    • Transaction Date

  • The Transaction History will also provide a status update for pending transactions.  

    • For questions concerning the status, call the number provide for assistance.  



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