Payment Kiosk Locations

2 min. readlast update: 05.23.2024

Payment Kiosk Locations allows you search and find the nearest transaction kiosk.  

  • Marks the location of Lobby Kiosks Only. 
  • Ability to Get Directions based on current location.  
  • Ability to search and filter agency names.  
  • Provides mileage details based on locations.  
  • Use the Zoom In/Out (+/-) button to adjust the location views of interest.  
  • Ability to click on a map marker to display the agency address. 

  1. Select Kiosk Locations from the navigation panel. 

  2. Opens to the Google Map view.  

  3. Enter search criteria into the search field, such as Name of City, State, or Zip Code.

    Search results will display based on the criteria provided.  Agency data will filter along the left-side of the map.  

    • Numbers that appear next to a facility in the search results is an indication of the number of kiosks available at that location.  

  4. Click GET DIRECTIONS to display the directions from your current location to the desired agency location.  
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