Invalid Info Detected

2 min. readlast update: 04.25.2024

Accurate Information is required for before a deposit can be made.  

If receiving the following message, some information provided does not meet verification requirements. 

NOTE: It is required to provided valid information in order to prevent fraudlent and illegal activity.  

When verifying information for accuracy, review the terms listed in the above notification: 

  • Ensure Full Legal Name is correct. 
  • Ensure the Phone Number provided is valid and verifiable.  
    • Disposable phone numbers, voice over IP/internet-based calls are not allowed. 
  • Ensure address is registered with the United States Postal Service (USPS).  
    • If the address is invalid, please review the recommended suggested address.  
  • Ensure date of birth is accurate. 
  • Ensure email address is valid (non-disposable or temporary email addresses are not allowed). 

To verify information for accuracy:  

  • From the My Account screen, select Account Info to review the information needing verificarion.  

  • Acknowledge the Account Security warning that some account information may not editable. Click OK.  

Important To Know: The purpose of Account Security is to ensure the security of  information in the event the account holder needs to update account information. 

  • From the Edit Account screen, verify that all Personal Information is accurate. 
    • Make edits where applicable.  
  • Once the personal information is updated, click NEXT
  • Review the Billing Address information. 

    NOTE: The Billing Address must match the address on the credit card being used during the transaction.  

Related Article:
Editing Your Account Information 

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