Editing Account Phone Number

1 min. readlast update: 06.06.2024

YES, you are able to change the phone number for your account.  

However, please know that changes to a phone number can be made every 30 days. 

  • The 30 day count begins after an approved deposit is made after the creation of a new account. 
  • Once 30 days has passed, the phone number field becomes enabled.  
  • After the phone number is edited, the field becomes inactive again for 30 days.  

To Edit a Phone Number: 

  • From the My Account screen, select Account Info to change a phone. 
  • Acknowledge the Account Security notification.  This security verification explains the set limitations around account modifications. Click OK
  • If enabled, click inside the Phone field to edit the phone number. 
  • When done, click NEXT
NOTE: All phone numbers will need to pass verification in order to send money.  
  •    Once the phone number is updated, the 30-day count down starts again. 

Related Articles: Editing Your Account Information, Phone Number Verifications

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